Scarlett is quite affected by the thoughts of his death, which is appropriate considering the undefined status of their relationship. Snake Eyes faked his death leaving most in the GI JOE organization thinking that he’s dead, including Scarlett. I’m getting a little off track here, back to the story. However, the big spenders in the military have never been a fan of special forces units, which GI JOE is. Generally speaking the Department of Defence is reluctant to cut things because it means Americans losing jobs and money, especially in regards to the F-22 Raptor program.

If we were to compare this to the modern day military, what would we see. Funny how that line is still relevant in the world of GI JOE, you’d think in GI JOE that politics wouldn’t play a role and the story would focus on the nitty gritty of war, but no politics still has a place. Warfare is the continuation of the politics, a line that the great Carl von Clausewitz said, and he was right. Granted wiping out a UN led coalition isn’t the hardest thing to do, whoops. It’s silly, especially considering what’s happened in Nanzhao where Cobra slapped an entire country silly and nearly wiped out a UN led coalition. How is that that everyone thinks that Cobra is not a threat and thus GI JOE must lose its resources. I also suspect its going to happen in the new GI JOE movie that’s coming out soon too. It happened in the original Marvel Series, it happened in Devils Due as well and it has happened now in this issue. When the politicians start meddling with the GI JOE organization essentially declawing them and make them impotent to do anything. One thing I always hated about GI JOE that to this day continues to come up in the story line is the politics. Nonetheless I wanted to make sure that everyone knew that that my instincts were on the mark. I had initially planned on reviewing every issue, but unfortunately life got in the way. I wish I could say that it was as a result of my analytic ability, but I still think Krake was the appropriate pick of them. If anyone read my previous GI JOE reviews I made a certain prediction about who would become the next Cobra Commander and the man that I suspected that would become the next Cobra Commander was Krake. GI JOE went home defeated as they were unable to prevent the destruction of an entire nation. He led an invasion into Nanzhao destroying the corrupt regime, then went about eliminating the people and using nuclear weapons to make the territory unlivable. The story thus far has been that the original Cobra Commander was eliminated and replaced by Krake a man known for his deadliness. In a few words GI JOE is about a secret group of elite soldiers that are responsible for fighting Cobra, one of the most dangerous terrorist in the world. More Comics GI JOE Cobra Command #12 Review